UnOrdinary Wikia



One year after he had befriended Seraphina, John had a good feeling that he would finally get a slice of the infamous triple chocolate cake. Unfortunately, he was wrong and witnessed two royals, Arlo and Remi, battle over the last slice.[1]

Ch1 1

In John's words, "HOLY SH*T!"

Despite being Seraphina's friend, John still had to be cautous to avoid conflict, and on his way to the bathroom, he witnessed Blyke and Isen battling over a broken pen. Realizing he could’ve just died, he ran away to save his life.[2]

Unfortunately, he was not able to avoid conflict as Gavin was beating up a helpless student beside the restroom entrance. John decides to intervene and engaged Gavin in a fistfight.[3] Despite Gavin using his Stone Skin to injure his opponent, John fortuitously managed to throw him out of the window. John's victory was short-lived, however, as he had to make stop by at the infirmary due to a broken arm.[4]

Screenshot 2019-03-21 at 7.58

Stone Boi will rock you.

After John arrived at the infirmary, the irritated Doctor Darren proceeded to scold John to be more careful while handing him a healing tonic. Eager to leave, John promised that he would be more careful, but Darren stopped him, forcing John to stay in the infirmary for the rest of day. Bored out of his mind, John texted his best friend Seraphina to keep him company, and the two spent their time playing Slappy Pig. As the duo argued about the legitimacy of Seraphina's score, they were interrupted when the room started rumbling and the infuriated Doctor had left the infirmary, but not before commanding John to stay.[5] John and Seraphina left anyways.


Stone Boi returns, harder than ever.

Unluckily, the first person John encountered after leaving the infirmary was a revenge-crazed Gavin. Fortunately Seraphina was able to effortlessly defeat the bully, and John got out without a scratch. The duo then went out for a drink, which John had to pay for.[6] While the two were enjoying their drinks, John recalls his previous battle with Gavin much to Seraphina's amusement. Seraphina expressed to him that constantly living on the edge like that would be exciting, but he disagreed and proceeded to complain about society's hierarchical ways. The two remained silent until the news reported that EMBER's newest victim, X-Static was killed. Despite the good works performed by late hero, Seraphina and many others believed that people like him should mind their own business. John attempted to defend the vigilante's altruistic actions but was cut off by Seraphina's question: "Do you feel safer... Now that he's dead?" John had no answer.[7]

Kovoro Mall

Some time later, John woke up to the sound of a phone call from Seraphina to go to Kovoro Mall, but he claimed that he needed to clean his house. Unfortunately for him, Seraphina was already at the front door during the call. Even worse for him, John's claim of his messy house was just a lie to avoid going shopping; the only thing that was out of place was John's boxing gloves. John reluctantly had to go shopping with his best friend.[8]

Unordinary Lame John

"La Mé, must be French or something." ~ John Doe

At the mall, John noticed an Ability Gauge and wanted Seraphina to try it out[8] However, Levani's threats on the Ability Gauge Vendor held up the line and John decided to intervene. Despite the danger he was in, John was able to stall her until a security guard was within earshot. Unfortunately, due to Levani being stronger than the vendor, the guard forced the vendor to give Levani a refund.[9] The vendor, grateful for John's actions, allowed both Seraphina and him to get their abilities gauged for free. After gauging Seraphina's ability and giving her a teddy bear, the vendor attempted to gauge John's ability, but John moved his arm back. The vendor apologized for attempting to gauge John's level without his permission, but the cripple jokingly stated that the vendor would find no results anyways.[10]

Ch10 05

Whatever happened to the "LAME" shirt is never spoken of again.

By the time he and Seraphina left Kovoro Mall, it was already evening and they had to take a bus home. The closest bus station was already full so they decided to walk to a another station. However, John somehow sensed an invisible entity following them and ran off with Seraphina. Unfortunately, John and Seraphina got cornered by the assailant, but John was able to locate the assailant by throwing his recently bought "LAME" shirt onto the attacker. This gave Seraphina the opportunity to attack the assailant and get herself and John away to the bus station.[11]

Once the two reached John's house, Seraphina asked how he was able to even sense the assailant in the first place, but he simply dismissed it as just a feeling. Initially, Seraphina was going to go back to the dorms, but John convinced her to stay the night. While John was preparing dinner, Seraphina found the copy of the infamous book Unordinary and was intrigued by it. After revealing that the book was written by his father, William, John let her borrow it despite the risk of possessing a highly illegal book.[11]

UnOrdinary Ch12 03

Early the next morning, John woke up in cold sweat after having a flashback of Claire. Unable to go back to sleep, John went out and bought breakfast for him and Seraphina. While eating breakfast, Seraphina noticed that John was abnormally quiet and attempted to pry, but John simply yelled that he was fine. Despite John's apology, Seraphina saw it best to leave him alone and left.[12] Later that day, John texted Seraphina an apology for lashing out and left a warning to keep Unordinary hidden.[13]



While shopping for groceries, John saw the news of EMBER striking yet again and was not pleased with the negative comments that others had regarding the vigilantes. Unfortunately, John had completely forgotten that he had a history test and had to cram on his way to class. On his way he accidentally bumped into Arlo and informally apologized. While Holden wanted John to give a proper apology, Arlo himself didn't mind and even wished him luck on the test.[14] John later texted Seraphina saying that he definitely failed the history test before asking her if she wanted to grab some lunch together.[15] After lunch, John was taking a break from boxing when he got a call from his concerned father about the recent attacks by EMBER. The call ended abruptly due to Mr. Doe's editor calling.[16]

UnOrdinary SighAF

"Sigh AF" ~ John Doe

The next day, John was on the rooftop with Seraphina and found out that Elaine had found Unordinary. Despite John's protests, Seraphina promised to keep authorities from tracing the book back to him. John then decides to ask for the God-tier’s opinions on the Unordinary. While Seraphina initially thought that the book's premise was absurd, she admitted that she did not fully understand the content and asked John to clarify. To answer Seraphina's question, John explained how everyone must be protected as everyone has something valuable; he believes that the vigilantes are working their way to make that ideal a reality. He forgives Seraphina for her carelessness and admits that he needs a break after reading the book many times.[17]

UnOrdinary JohnbeatingKrolik


While the teacher was handing out report cards, John had a flashback of Claire helping him after he was bullied, but was snapped back to reality when the teacher called him and threatened to read his grades out loud. While he wasn't pleased with his grades, he knew that they could have been worse. With his report card in hand, John was reading the teacher's comments until he bumped into Arlo and dropped all his papers. However, instead of beating him up, Arlo helped him pick up the papers and told him to watch where he was going.[18] That same day, John noticed the Death Pool flyer, and out of anger and disgust, he crumpled it. At the same time, he witnessed Krolik stomping on another student's project; already angered, John punches Krolik in the face. Krolik prepares to fire his Lazor, but John simply deflected Krolik's arm and avoided the Lazor entirely. John then proceeded to mercilessly punch Krolik, but stopped when he had a flashback of Adrion. Realizing that he had lost himself for a moment, he ran off.[19]

Chapter 26-27-0

The only time Isen was confident in the face of John.

Unbeknownst to John, Arlo had suspicions about how a cripple managed to get into Wellston and secretly assigned Isen to investigate.[19]. Under the guise of an interview regarding the life of a low-tier John is approached by Isen. Initially, Isen asked some general questions but got more aggressive and asked more personal questions as he started to see inconsistencies between John's claims and actions. John began to feel uncomfortable and angrily grabbed Isen's collar for "meddling into his life." Deeming the information he gleaned sufficient, Isen cut the interview and left John, but not before removing John's hand by breaking his wrist.[20][21]

UnOrdinary Ch28 10

Better get used to gloom and doom buddy.

Once he had returned to class, John received a text message from Seraphina telling him to meet her outside the school. She told him about her month-long suspension, and despite John's concern, Seraphina was nonchalant about the entire situation and promised that everything would be alright once she came back. After she left, John looked at the school gloomily, knowing that his only friend was gone and he no longer had her protection.[22]


UnOrdinary Ch30 4

The Doc spooked.

Not even four hours had passed since Seraphina left before a revenge-fueled Gavin attacked John, sending him to the infirmary. Unlike in previous encounters, Dr. Darren decided that he wouldn't give John a hard time for the rest of the day since he just won fifty bucks from a bet with Keene.[23] Once he left the infirmary, John was targeted by Tanner, Illena, and Wenqi, but was able to stall them long enough for Dr. Darren to come out and scare the bully trio. Before Tanner left, he told John that he was nothing but a leech that mooches off of others.[24]

After working out, John texted Seraphina with a request to call him. Despite the initial awkwardness, the two of them reacquainted themselves and conversed as if nothing ever happened. During the call, John realized that he forgot to get his homework from the last two classes due to his stay in the infirmary, but Seraphina had him covered and sent him all of the assignments. While John was finishing up his homework, Seraphina introduced him to a new game, Angry Pigs, in which the player produces structures in defense of protagonist pigs using different materials. Seraphina suggested that John use glass since it is the strongest material in the game, but John, finding this information contradictory with reality, was determined to beat the entire game without using glass.[25]

UnOrdinary Ch32 6

At school, John almost bumped into Arlo for the third time and got away with a reminder to watch where he was walking,[25] but it wasn't long before Ventus and Meili attacked John and sent him to the infirmary. After another lecture from the Dr. Darren, John pulled out his phone to text Seraphina only to find that his phone screen was cracked. Eneraged, John smashed his phone and was about to leavethe infirmary, but was stopped by Dr. Darren who convinced him to stay.[26]

UnOrdinary Ch33 3

Shortly after leaving, John was rudely pushed by another student and dropped all of his papers. While picking them up, Remi begins to help John gather his papers, but Upon hearing Remi's voice, John fell into a flashback of Claire, who had once said the same words, "Let me help you!" In a fit of blind rage, he rejected Remi's act of kindness and slapped her hand away before realizing that he just slapped the Queen of Wellston. He tried to apologize, but Blyke attempted to shoot him with his Energy Beam. Though Blyke was going to finish him off, Remi restrained him and they walked away. As the students around him began to mock and insult him, John started to believe that nobody in Wellston was worth anything. His sour mood continued as he contacted Seraphina via laptop. Noticing John's angry expression, Seraphina lightened the mood by talking about Angry Pigs. John happily announced that he passed several more levels with 100% wood and vowed that he woulc continue winning without glass..[27]

The next day after school, John noticed that Seraphina was offline and decided to entertain himself by playing Angry Pigs. After at least a hundred tries, John was unable to pass the level with only wood and began to question the whether or not advancing through the game was even possible wiout glass wood. Even after a considerable amount of time passed, Seraphina did not come online, leaving John to only wonder what happened to her.[28]


The next day, Hower attempted to use his Heat Palm to attack John, but the latter reacted by elbowing the bully in the face. John then angrily went up to the school roof and ran into Arlo. Despite the roof being exclusively for Royals, John sat up there, like he normally did, and ignored Arlo's threats. When Arlo asked him what he would do to the one person that defied his order as King, John answered that he would be grateful, arguing that the King must be doing a fairly good job if only one person is disobedient. John left the roof leaving Arlo bewildered.[29]

True Colours

Ch40 7

And the fans rejoiced (and complained).

UnOrdinary Johnpower

We do not see John's ability until fifteen chapters later...

Unfortunately, the toxic school environment started to get to John now that everyone was free to bully the powerless student. All he could do was vent his rage on the punching bag at home. To him, everyone was worthless except one person: Seraphina. However, John was unable to contact Seraphina since she was still offline. He instead contacted his father via laptop. When John asked for another copy of Unordinary, W.H. Doe said that he couldn't hand a copy of the book as they had all been destroyed to ensure his safety. Like any good father, W.H. Doe noticed that something was wrong with his son. Not interested in his father prying into his personal life, John prematurely terminated the call and ended all subsequent calls from his father. When John went to school the next day, he had left his hair without gel; when Isen saw him, he stated that he was "Starting to show his true colours".[30]

Unordinary Ch41 8

"Looks like he's been...dis-armed!"

Later that day, Tanner, Wenqi, Illena, and Rouker cornered the "cripple" with the intention of using him for target practice. However, as Tanner tried to land a punch on John, he easily grabbed Tanners arm and proceeded to break it. As the three remaining bullies proceeded to charge towards him, John's eyes began to glow for the first time in two years.[31] When he was about to use his ability, John had a flashback of Claire standing up against him. Seeing himself slip into his old ways, John refrained from using his ability.[32]

The bullies were persistent in trying to harm John however, and continued to go at him. Though John tried to defend himself, he failed, resulting in him getting knocked out. John would not have survived if it wasn't for Arlo coming in last-minute and defending him from the bullies. After stopping the bullies, Arlo proceeded to take John to the infirmary and wondered why John let himself get beat up if he could clearly fight back.[33]

Unordinary Ch43 15

John remained knocked out in the infirmary and had a flashback about his life in New Bostin High School. When John finally did wake up, he angrily punched Arlo in the face and proceeded to question the King's motives for helping him. Arlo was not fazed by John's outburst and warned him that next time John attacked him, he would not be so lenient.[34]

While Arlo was on the rooftop later that day, John came up on the roof to personally thank the King for saving him. While Arlo believed that John was capable of fighting back, John denied it and kept saying that he was a cripple.[35]

John was walking through the hallway recalling his distaste for hierarchy when he bumped into Arlo and dropped all of his papers. Tired of John presenting himself as a helpless cripple, Arlo simply tossed him a binder. Grateful for Arlo's act of "kindness," John invited Arlo to Woaba Boba for a drink.

UnOrdinary Ch47 5

Once the two were at reached Woaba Boba, John tried to introduce Arlo to boba tea, but the King insisted on ordering coffee. The two resolved their argument with John buying two boba teas and Arlo buying his own coffee. While sipping their drinks John learned that Arlo's shared a similar personality with Seraphina one year ago, and that he looked up to Rei. Arlo, on the other hand, learned how John and Seraphina bonded as well as W. H. Doe teaching his "crippled" son everything he knew. As Arlo was leaving, John attempted to give the King his boba tea.[36]


While Arlo was clearing his mind on school the rooftop, John came and sat down beside him while swinging his new binder, despite the roof being off-limits to him. When Arlo mentioned he went up there to escape from all the nonsense below, John recalled his similar behaviour when he was the King at New Bostin. Shortly after, John asked if Arlo was available after school and Arlo said he might run some errands. John offered to come with him and told Arlo to meet him at the school gates after class. Much to John's surprise, Arlo actually waited for him. They then left for their destination.[37]

They took the train to run Arlo's 'errands'. Once the two left the train, John wondered why they were out so far, to which Arlo explained that they were at Wellston's designated Turf War grounds, the Battlefield. This made John uneasy, but Arlo assured him that there would be nothing dangerous and he was here to just meet someone. As they walked up to the Battlefield from the train station, John spotted two other people, who turned out to be the bullies that broke his phone. John questioned Arlo who just told him to stay back as he walked over to them. He then smiled and told the two to hold John down. They viciously attacked him with their abilities and before John was able to react, he was pinned on the ground, bleeding and injured.[38]

UnOrdinary John Whirlwind

A literal Whirlwind of emotions if there ever was one.

As Arlo revealed his involvement with Seraphina's suspension and all of their encounters, John wondered what he did to deserve being betrayed again. As he continued to think to himself, he realized that he was not the monster this time; the real monsters were the bullies of Wellston. Before Meili could finish him off, John finally used his ability for the first time since his expulsion from New Bostin High School and unleashed a black Whirlwind.[39]

Arlo's subordinates were quite shocked at the display of John's power, as they had known him as a powerless cripple, but Arlo just continued smiling as if it was his plan. Furious with Arlo, John transformed his hand with Meili's Demon Claw and attempted to attack the King but his attack was intercepted by Meili. John easily overpowered Meili, forcing Ventus to intervene with his Whirlwind; however, to the shock of both elite-tiers, John was also using Whirlwind. Realizing they were outmatched, Ventus and Meili attempted a combo attack, but John combined the two abilities he copied into a powerful Wind Blade which hit Ventus and then sent Meili flying high into the air. Ventus begged John to spare Meili, but his pleas fell onto deaf ears; John stabbed Ventus and left Meili crash into the ground.[40]

Unordinary John vs Arlo

John overpowering Arlo.

After finishing the two bullies off, John angrily turned to Arlo, who was no longer smiling. As John fought Arlo, the latter tried to avoid using his ability so as to stop John from copying it. However, as the fight progressed he decided to end John with a single use. Even though he managed to knock back John and injure his hand, when he attempted to finish John by crushing him with his Barrier, he realized that John had already copied it. Using Arlo's ability, John cracked Arlo's Barrier. Stunned by the reflective damage, Arlo was at a disadvantage as John proceeded to defeat him. John warned him not to talk about what happened, threatening to "dethrone him" if he did.[41]

Arlo's betrayal robbed John of his optimism yet again and continued to question the worth of the world. Furious, John threw his backpack on the ground and unintentionally caught the attention of his best friend, Seraphina. Instead of rejoicing at Seraphina's return, John fell to his knees and begin crying, pleading her not to look at him out of regret for his actions. Seraphina took John back into his house and laid him on the couch.[42]

Arlo is being threaten

"Long live the king."

While John was resting on the couch, Seraphina in a joking manner, put a cup of ice-cold water on his neck, surprising the resting teen. Seraphina then told the now-conscious John that she will be crashing with him and that Elaine was coming to heal him. Before Elaine arrived however, Seraphina asked about John's emotionally distraught state, but he simply dodged the question and told her that he didn't want her to see him in a defeated state and that everything will go back to normal. When Elaine arrived at John's house, she was not pleased that she had to heal him, but reluctantly did so for Seraphina's sake. During the healing process, John noticed that Elaine's Healing aura was much weaker and realized that she had used alot of energy to heal someone else previously. When Elaine asked to see his left arm, John initially refused but after an argument between the two, he let her see it. However, while Elaine was healing his arm, John clamped his hand over her mouth, telling her to shut up and listen to him. When Seraphina came out, wondering where the Healer was, John told her that she had to leave in a hurry.[43]


As per his usual routine, John encountered a pair of bullies and found himself against the wall, with all his papers scattered on the floor. John calls the two "garbage" and in anger, one of them grabs him by the collar and starts to threaten him. Before the combat escalates, however, Isen intervened and the two run off in fear. John did not appreciate his help and smacked his hand away when he asked if he was alright. He gets up and walks away, leaving Isen to think to himself that he needs to keep him calm until Seraphina comes back.[44]

The next day, John was walking in the hallways looking at his papers before bumping into Arlo's shoulder. They each exchange disgusted looks at each other, and John starts to walk away before Holden grabs him by the collar, noticing that he was the same person that bumped into him before. Before he tried to beat John up, however, Arlo defends him and grabs his friend's arm, crushing it. John walks away from the two, leaving Arlo to think of how selfish he was to keep his power to himself and corrupt Seraphina with his ideologies. Once John returned to his house, he was surprised to find his father, William, talking with Seraphina.[45]

UnOrdinary Ch63 2

And here we see a member of the gel-club and a member of the anti-gel-club in their natural habitats.

To fully explain his situation, John escorted his father outside to speak with him, privately. During the conversation, John revealed to his father that he was acting as a "cripple" and that he had hidden his ability from even his best friend, Seraphina; his father was not pleased with this however and worried that John would be "torn apart." Once the two finished talking, John and Sera continued their homework assignments until William woke up and suggest that they play poker.[46]

Throughout the poker game, John displayed his poker skills and his unreadable poker face, to the point that Seraphina was unable to to read him. This made Seraphina note how John's normally "easy-to-read" behavior was unreadable.[47]

The next morning, after his victory in poker, John had finished up his homework, woke up his father and told him that there were eggs in the fridge and that Seraphina could take him to a sandwich shop before leaving for school.[48]

That night, William had return to his home due to numerous projects that he was currently working on. Before leaving, William privately told John that keeping that the longer he kept his secret, the worse the consequences would be. John simply told his father that he would be fine and that wished for his father's safety. After William left, John asked Seraphina if she was excited to go back to school, but she responded that she would have preferred to be expelled and do whatever she wanted. John however told his friend that nothing good can come if someone as powerful as she had such a stain on her record, only to find out that she was joking.[49]


UnOrdinary Ch70 2

After returning from school, John discovered something horrifying: his best friend, Seraphina, lying on the floor bleeding and unconscious.[50] He first tried using Seraphina’s phone to call Elaine, but she rejected his call. Desperate, he called Arlo instead and forced Wellston’s King to get Elaine over to his house. Upon arriving, Elaine accused John of hurting Seraphina, but John violently slapped her and forced the healer to use her ability on the injured Ace. Once the stab wound was healed, John noticed that Seraphina was still unconscious and violently demanded an answer from Elaine. However, Elaine was unable to provide a proper answer, as John was about to strike her again he was stopped by Arlo, who told him to figure out what happened himself.[51] After copying Healing, John was able to find and heal an injection wound on Seraphina's neck. Arlo suspected that a drug was responsible for her negated ability and unconsciousness. John took her to his bed, vowing to get whoever was responsible for this. He fell asleep sitting by her side.[52]

Later at night, the same organization that attacked Seraphina earlier raided John's house to retrieve her again. Arlo and John teamed up to stop the intruders, barely managing to stop one of them from escaping with Seraphina. However, the captor held Seraphina at knifepoint and threatened to kill her unless John deactivated his ability and Arlo deactivated his Barrier.[53]

Unordinary John vs Kidnapper


With Seraphina held at knife-point, and the captor intent killing the God-tier, John realized that he had to find a more discreet way to rescue Seraphina. On the fly, John acted as if he was conceding to the captor’s terms and began to tell Arlo to release his Barrier. While Arlo initially thought that John was giving up, the King realized that John was creating a distraction. Arlo and John managed to annoy and distract the captor with their “argument” and got him to lower the knife, allowing John to attack the kidnapper and release Seraphina. With Elaine tending to Seraphina, John angrily began to stab the kidnapper, before the captors’ van struck Arlo’s Barrier and hit John; he was not downed however, and the captors decided to book it. John attempted to stop the van with his own Barrier, but the van easily broke out of that as well.[54]

After successfully rescuing Seraphina from the clutches of her kidnappers, Arlo, Elaine, and John began to recover from the injuries they sustained as well as the temporal ability dampening that occurred to them earlier that night. Even though the trio successfully saved Seraphina, John angrily berated Arlo for the escape of the kidnappers, causing the two to enter a heated argument; they were stopped by Elaine, however. While Arlo and Elaine discussed their speculations of the kidnapping being preplanned, John sat on the floor of his couch, pondering about their conversation, only entering the conversation when he recalled the kidnappers saying “It’s going to wear off soon, and if that happens, we’re done for.” Arlo accurately surmised that the ability dampening had something to do with Seraphina’s defeat but figuring out how the kidnappers managed to track Seraphina was another matter. Suddenly, the King recalled the conversation regarding the Kovoro Mall incident with Remi and remembered that John and Seraphina went to the mall a month-and-a-half earlier. Upon realizing this revelation, Arlo began to tell John about his findings and that his house was being watched, but John refused to believe the King, saying, “Not everyone spends an entire month planning the downfall of a single person.” Regardless of John’s disbelief, he asked Arlo what the kidnappers’ motives were, but none of the trio were sure...[55]

Unordinary John Elaine Heal

Seraphina was still unconscious after their conversation, and Elaine worried that they should go to the hospital and report the incident to the authorities. Arlo agreed with her course of action, but John suggested an alternative, to take her to Doctor Darren, talk to Headmaster Vaughn, and keep the authorities out of it. By the time the three had fallen asleep, Seraphina had woken up, groggy, sick, and confused with the recent events. She realized that she was not feeling well and ran to the bathroom to vomit. When John checked on her, Seraphina realized that she was still groggy and realized that her ability was completely useless. Elaine and Arlo followed Seraphina and John into the bedroom, much to Seraphina’s confusion, but John happily explained their situation. Arlo was irritated with John’s cheery demeanor, but when John asked Arlo if he could borrow his phone, John menacingly reminded the King that his phone was broken by “some jerks.” Arlo handed John his phone and he began to call the school doctor.[56]

Despite being a break day for the doctor, Darren reluctantly agreed to see John and Seraphina that morning. After performing some check-ups on the school’s Ace, the Doctor confirmed that Seraphina’s bodily systems were perfectly normal, save for her ability being gone. He promised to get back to the duo after he gets the test results and advised them to keep quiet about the situation. Even though the doctor had said that the drug would likely last four days, Seraphina was still worried about the entire situation, but John assured her that nobody will know and four days would pass in a flash...[57]


Upon returning to school, Headmaster Vaughn sent John a notice to meet in his office and was told that he would be located to live on the campus dorms. John was less than pleased upon hearing the news, but the Headmaster was unwilling to negotiate. Later on, at lunch, he found Seraphina on the roof, being a truant as usual, and was pleased to see that his best friend did not change much at all. However, upon Seraphina's nonchalant attitude regarding other students discovering her temporary powerlessness, John berated his best friend, telling her that constantly being in impossible scenarios messes with one's head. After cautioning his best friend, Seraphina agreed to be more careful with her condition, easing John's nerves. Even with everything seemingly back to normal, Seraphina's suspension had altered John's mentality, and for the first time ever, he ignored a student getting bullied...[58]

Unordinary Handshake

Friendship ended with Arlo. Now Blyke is my best friend.

After packing all of his baggage, a less-than-pleased John was escorted to the campus dormitories by Head of Security Keene. Along the way, the two ran into Zeke who "promised" to take good care of John during his stay. Things turned from bad to worse when John found out the identity of his roommate...the school Jack, Blyke. The two recalled each other with bitter fury, but were forced to shake hands and outwardly call truce; their thoughts, however said otherwise.[59]

The next morning, according to his new roommate Blyke, John hogged the bathroom for half an hour, enraging the Jack. John was later seen on the rooftops with Seraphina, bemoaning his current situation. However, despite the tensions between the Jack and the supposed cripple, Seraphina believes that the two can get along if John was like his old self.[60]

Unordinary Mardin Zeke and John

John is "welcomed" by Team Rocket.

On his way back to the dorms, John found himself attacked by Mardin, but easily defeated the bully before being caught by the "ruler" of the boys dormitory, Zeke.[61] Arrogantly, Zeke demanded John to address him as "King" and to bow in his presence, and to his surprise, John complied. Not satisfied with John's tone, Zeke caught up with John and began to bully him mercilessly. As he endured blow after blow, John began to rant about how he and Zeke were no different, referring to how he used to beat up the helpless and how they are both "another pieces of garbage in this world." Angered and startled by the outburst, Zeke knocked John out and grumbled that his entire week was ruined.[62]

The unconscious John was later retrieved by Blyke and Isen and was taken to his bed to recover. After waking up in his own room, John was surprised by the presence of the school Jack and the journalist, questioning why they had helped him. Isen attempted to quell John by (fruitlessly) assuring that he meant no harm, but John remained suspicious and questioned Isen's motives. Fed up with John's cynicism, Blyke angrily grabbed John by the shirt collar and refused to let go until Isen forced him to. The duo eventually decided to leave John alone to recover.[21]

The next morning, after preparing himself for school, John was stopped by two bullies who were there on behalf of Zeke, warning him that breaking the rules would only lead to more trouble. But before the situation could become more violent, Blyke shot an Energy Beam at one of the students and warned everyone, including John not to start a conflict in his presence again. The two roommates headed out, though Blyke expressed his annoyance at John following him so closely, forcing him to walk slower.[63] Due to his broken arm from his tussle with Zeke and Mardin, John went to see the doctor to get his arm fulled healed. While he was resting in the infirmary, he noticed Seraphina, with a bloodstain on her head. Seraphina remained nonchalant about the situation however, knowing that John endured the same pain during his time in Wellston and was even unfazed by the student body figuring out she had no powers, but John only grew angrier. He berated Seraphina for her nonchalant behavior and continued to go on about how every injury he took "hurt like hell," but Seraphina told him that she knew about his behavioral changes. She then asked John the question, "What happened between you and Arlo?"[64]

Unordinary John and Sera Infirmary

Even though John attempted to avoid the question, Seraphina had enough concrete evidence to prove that he wasn't being truthful to her. Instead of coming clean, however, John formulated a half-truth; he told Seraphina about how Arlo had feigned friendship with him and how he lured John out to the Turf Wars battle ground to only be beaten by Ventus and Meili. However, John claimed that he was defeated that day and that Arlo forced him to keep his mouth shut about the encounter, conveniently omitting the fact that he was the one that told Arlo to keep his mouth shut. John further explained that he called Arlo the day he found Seraphina unconscious because he had no other choice. Later, after Seraphina was having a private word with Darren, John left the infirmary and bumped into Arlo, commanding the King to meet him on the rooftop in fifteen minutes.[65]

On the rooftop, John waits impatiently for Arlo to meet him. When they finally meet, John complains how Seraphina was injured from a rock being thrown at her and says that Arlo was responsible. But the King scolded John, telling him that as Seraphina's constant companion, he should be the one responsible for her safety. As Arlo began away, John becomes enraged and attacks Arlo by punching him in the face, but Arlo shoves him into the fence warning him that he owes John nothing.[66]

Unordinary John Rooftop

John overhears a talk that Seraphina was shoved down a flight of stairs, and runs toward the infirmary, and accidentally bumping into Remi. John later learns that a "green-haired-bun girl" was behind all of Sera's injuries, and that the Ace revealed her connection to John to Keon. Yet, despite everything that happened, John comforts Seraphina and told her that everything will be alright.[67]


John had just finished taking a shower when his roommate Blyke returned to the dorms. He gave his roommate the cold shoulder despite Blyke wishing him a good night.[68]


Unordinary John vs Crail

Crail failed to realize the slow startup of his Falcon Punch.

The next morning, Blyke offered to walk with John, but he refused his roommate's offer and walked out on his own. Later that day, John complained about his constrained dorm life to Seraphina, but was met with a crowd of people, huddling around the billboard. To his horror, news had gone around that Seraphina was powerless, and everyone in the school knew.[69] Now that both he and the former ace were targets, John attempted to escort Seraphina to safety, but Crail and Skrev gave chase, determined to take the two cripples down. But before the two bullies could do any harm, John manged to fend off both Crail and Skrev without the aid of an ability and continued to run...only to throw himself in the way of Krolik's Lazor. Weakened, John was vulnerable to a well-placed Strong Punch from Crail and was downed, unable to defend himself. Despite the overwhelming odds, Seraphina shoved Crail and stood between the bullies and John. Determined to continue protecting Seraphina, John managed to stand up, but the fight was already diffused by Blyke.[70]

Seraphina and the injured John managed to make their way to the infirmary, and for the first time in her life, the once god-tier realized what it was like to be a powerless against non-favorable odds. She had felt powerless and was betrayed by all the students, because of a simple bulletin board. John told Seraphina that many weaker students, especially those at the bottom would take the opportunity to fight back, if given the chance. Though Seraphina looked bleak and gloomy, John attempted to cheer her up, telling her that her condition was only temporary. However, John's go-lucky attitude did not extend to Arlo, whom he confronted about the new of Seraphina's new status as a cripple. He attempted to force Arlo into fixing the problem, but Arlo had enough, and told John to "solve your own problems."[71] That same night, John was thinking about Arlo's words and saw himself as incapable of solving his own problems.[72]

Unordinary Zeke punch

John gets punched by Team Rocket's James.

The next morning, John met up with Seraphina and comforted her to not think too much about her lost ability. Unbeknownst to both him and Seraphina, Zeke was behind them, hoping to ambush them in front of Wellston's student body. As Zeke had the two beaten and bruised, Arlo had taken notice, and for the first time in front of the student body, the King had lost his temper, and berated his subjects for wasting their time on Cripples. Once the rest of the students left the hallway, John attempted to get Arlo to help Seraphina to the infirmary, but the once composed Arlo was in no mood to aid John. Instead, Arlo held John against the locker and furiously told him off for his cowardice. After reminding Seraphina that she was a cripple, Arlo left the two with these foreboding words, "Both of you need to grow up and accept reality."[72]

Screenshot 2019-03-19 at 2.09

Zeke doesn't know how f**ked he is.

Unordinary John Zeke vengeance

He is vengeance, he is night, he is... ʎɐpsǝn┴.

Arlo's words began to stir up uncertainty within Seraphina, and her current state of powerlessness began to worry her. Though John tried his best to comfort his best friend, her worries began to plague her to the point of uncertainty. John managed to get Seraphina to calm down, but once she was asleep, John walked out into the hallway, remembering how Arlo had called him a coward. Furiously, he began to punch the wall, angry that he was unable to protect Seraphina. Though fearful of Seraphina finding out about his ability, John decided to get even with Zeke.[73] Masked in a Zeke's discarded paper bag, John attacked Zeke and copied Phase Shift for himself. Zeke found himself at John's mercy, and conceded the match, but John continued to pummel Zeke until the "Godslayer" found himself unconscious.[74]

The next day, John gets out of his dorm early to meet with Seraphina, who has been mourning about her ability loss the whole night. John decides to train Seraphina about self-defense on the school roof, though shortly later[75] Abel forces them both to leave. Though John was less than willing to comply, Seraphina took the path of least resistance, and made her way down, with John reluctantly following suit. While encouraging Seraphina to stay strong, he spots the green-haired bun girl walking down the hallway. Angrily, John remembered what the girl did to Seraphina and decided to get even; in order to keep Seraphina away as he enacted his revenge, John claimed that he had to go to the infirmary. With Seraphina out of sight, John follows the green-haired bun girl and dons a paper bag mask to hide his identity. Once masked and incognito, John attempts to attack the girl, but she uses her ability to quickly dodge the attack.[76]

Unordinary John Catch Up

And the fandom collectively rejoiced (and complained... again).

The girl, revealed to be Juni, used her Flash Forward and realizes that she is outmatched by the bagged attacker; her only hope is to trick John and escape. However, John simply copied Juni's Flash Forward, and in an ironic twist of fate, he kicked Juni down the stairs. Fearing her masked attacker, Juni dashes towards the cafeteria, expecting the paper bag-clad attacker to follow her, but instead, John, sans paper bag, enters the cafeteria. John pretends that he is going on with his daily routine and go sits at an isolated table, but once Juni leaves the cafeteria, John took notice of Heinz and Yuline battling and activating their abilities. Once Juni left the cafeteria, John copies Heinz's Catch Up and Yuline's Clobber and gave chase. With two new abilities copied, John was easily able to catch up to Juni and elbowed her to the ground. Caught with nowhere left to run, Juni attempted to appeal to her attacker, apologizing for whatever she did to wrong the bagged attacker and promised to do whatever he told her. Her pleas fell onto deaf ears, however, as John mercilessly punched her, and for good measure, kicked her while she was still down. He then left the bloodied and unconscious Juni on the hallway floor.[77]

Word had spread about the attacks on Zeke and Juni, but nobody knew that John was the culprit and suspected Arlo instead. The day after exacting his vengeance on Juni, John and Seraphina entered the hallway to class as usual, though rumours of Juni's hospitalization began to circulate among the students. Seraphina was initially fearful of this mysterious attacker, thinking herself a potential target, but John assured her that she would not be a target.[78]

Unordinary John Mask

You'd be amazed at the stuff you can find after Thanksgiving!

Though Seraphina had trained the night before, her outfit got ruined in the process and John was forced to go shopping with her to Kovoro Mall. There, he purchased a new phone, begrudgingly went clothes shopping with his best friend, and bought a mask without Seraphina's knowledge. As the two continued to browse the mall, they noticed the absence of the Ability Gauge Vendor and began to discuss how a bunch of mid-tier thugs managed to best Seraphina, Arlo and, Elaine. Perhaps their biggest question was the drug that was used to wipe Seraphina's ability; how did the mid-tiers acquire such a potent drug? Sadly, neither of them knew the answer, but Seraphina suggested that she would talk to Remi, hoping to find answers. That very night, whilst looking for his charger, John pulled out the mask he purchased from the shopping bag.[79]


The very next day, Seraphina told John about her conversation with Remi, and the two friends concluded that the attackers who drugged Seraphina were not connected to EMBER, despite Remi's theories. Seraphina decided to skip class that day told John to meet up after school for more self-defense.[80]

While Seraphina battled Hower, she recalls John giving her advice on living as a cripple, "Bluff your way out, and choose your fights wisely."[81]

UnOrdinary Ch120 01

After school, John waited for Seraphina, but after waiting for a significant amount of time, he attempts to call her with little success. He made his way back to the boy's dorm and ran into Blyke, who wished to start their relationship on a clean slate; however, John refused and left to his room. That same night, John spammed Seraphina with numerous texts, and she finally responded, much to his delight; however, John noticed something was off about her responses. Despite his suspicions, he went to sleep.[82]

Despite dismissing the manner the night before, John went to Elaine's, to ask about Seraphina’s whereabouts. Despite Elaine's protests, John barged into the room anyways after pushing Elaine into a wall and found that the room was untouched, confirming that something was indeed wrong. Angered that his friend is now missing, John threatened Elaine to trick Arlo to meet up with him. Arlo was not amused to meet up with John and since he got sick of doing his bidding for so long, wondering how he lost someone as close to him as Seraphina. However, despite John demanding him arrogantly and rudely, John insulted him by saying he's a worthless and a dumbness of a king while expecting to follow his "orders". Arlo refused to help find Seraphina and told John to, "Show me how it's done, John. Show me how much more capable you are!" Once the King said his peace, John punched Arlo, but Arlo was unharmed and told John since he want all the authority of a king without having to deal with any burden, so he's leeching off Arlo just how he did with Seraphina as a greedy person. Arlo and Elaine then left John, leaving him to find Seraphina alone.[83]

UnOrdinary Ch124 01

John enraged.

Frantically, John rushes from place to place in order to find Seraphina, unaware that Arlo, Elaine, and their allies were simultaneously (and discreetly) searching for the missing Ace. After searching the infirmary, the cafeteria, the library, and outside the school, John goes up to the rooftop where he encounters Abel once more. Abel tells John to get off the roof, but John refuses. Unfortunately, Abel used his ability, forcing John off of the roof. As he continued his search for Seraphina, he was tripped by a female student who told him to “slow down”. Angered by her words, John punches the girl in the face, and when another student attempted to defend the girl, John punches her in the face as well. However, John's temper and loud voice catches the attention of many other students, until a male student slammed him into the locker. After realizing that John was searching for Seraphina, the male student heckled John, calling him a leech like Arlo did mere hours earlier, prompting John to knee the student. However, John was easily overpowered by the student and was left at the lockers, coughing up blood. John had come to the realization that power was the only thing that matters to the students and begins to activate his ability.[84]

UnOrdinary John Unmasked

The best bargains are the ones that hide the bloodstains.

Fueled by anger and clad in his new mask, John began to exact vengeance on numerous students randomly. First, he attacked Tanner and Rouker and copied their abilities before moving onto Abel. After brutally defeating Abel and adding Explosion to his arsenal, John proceeded to attack Isen from behind like he did to all his previous victims, and the two engaged in battle.[85] John easily overpowered Isen, and with Hunter added to his arsenal of abilities, he began to scan the school for Seraphina before dashing off. He was unaware that Cecile was among the many students that witnessed his tussle against Isen.[86]

In hopes to get on the Shadow King's good side, Cecile managed to overhear Hower giving Seraphina's location to Arlo and approached John with said info. Though John was initially wary of Cecile at first, he agreed to have her lead him to his best-friend's location.[87] Once he reached the abandoned house, John's first target was Illena,[88] whom he defeated with a single kick. Next was Wenqi, who attempted to use her Speed to overwhelm him, but he easily copied her ability and drove her into the ground. Krolik, Crail, and Misa attempted to escape the house, knowing they were outmatched, but John fired an explosive missile, blocking their escape. With no choice but to fight, the three bullies attempted to attack John simultaneously, but just like Illena and Wenqi, the three bullies were easily defeated. Crail attempted to plead for mercy, but John beat the bully to the point of unconsciousness. John then reconvened with Cecile and unmasked himself, saying that he was done.[89]

UnOrdinary John x Sera Hug

That boy will sink this ship, mark my words.

Upon hearing that Seraphina was in the infirmary, John rushed back to Wellston to see his friend and was shocked to see her current condition. The bullying from Illena had left Seraphina completely deflated of any confidence she had left. In order to ease her emotional turmoil, John embraced his friend and assured her that he would be there for here. Not long after, Remi and Blyke noisily entered the infirmary to see Isen, who was in the bed next to Seraphina's. When Remi and Blyke mentioned that Isen had been defeated by a masked attacker with multiple abilities, Arlo and John gave Isen a menacing glare, preventing Isen from answering truthfully.[90]


Once Seraphina had fallen asleep, Arlo wished for "a word" with John and led him to an empty classroom. Once the two were isolated, Arlo began to question it was necessary for John to beat up Isen to that extent just to copy an ability, but John justified himself, recalling how Isen treated him before. Arlo then demanded John to start acting like a high-tier, but John cursed Arlo and the school's hierarchy and blamed the King for ruining his and Seraphina's life. John then vowed to Arlo that he would tear down the hierarchy and left the King with a warning.[91]

UnOrdinary Keon and John Handshake

John performs a handshake after being confronted by the authorities.

After John's meeting with Arlo, Blyke attempted to strike up a friendly conversation with John and confidently declared to his roommate that he would unmask the mysterious masked attacker. John was not concerned about said masked attacker and left to his bedroom.[92]

The very next day, John met up Seraphina and assured his best friend that the bullies were in the wrong; however, he admits to Seraphina that their current society is not fair. As the two friends continued to walk, Mardin began to heckle Seraphina until Cecile shut the bully up with her ability.[92]

Curious about Cecile's intervention with Mardin, John parted ways with Seraphina and privately met up with Cecile, questioning her motives. Though John initially wanted to tell Cecile to stay out of his business, he agreed to have Cecile's support since he might as well use it. At Cecile's asking of why he accepted her help so easily and without doubt, he accurately surmised that Cecile would not expose the identity of the masked attacker, for doing so would put Cecile against him. Later that same day, John was called to the office to be interrogated by Keon.[93]

The mere sight of Keon triggered John's traumatic memories of the readjustment courses, but despite his fear, John managed keep a straight face as he was interrogated by Keon and Nadia. In the interview, he admitted to possessing the first copy of Unordinary and reading the book every night as a form of reassurance. John also admitted that he had no intention of becoming a superhero and stated that it was not in his place to use his ability to help others; instead, John stated that it was the job of the Authorities to use their powers to aid the weak. Throughout the entire interrogation, Nadia detected no lies from John, and once the interrogation was concluded, Keon concluded that John was doing much better and gave his former student a cordial handshake, to which John at first hesitated to. However, upon exiting the office, John collapsed on the floor as the traumatic thoughts flooded his mind.[94] Even when talking with Seraphina that same day, John was still shaking out of fear. Though Seraphina wished to understand what was going on with her best friend, John continued to downplay his problems and distance himself from Seraphina, only leaving her to wonder why he doesn't trust her.[95]

Ch138 01

"Tuesday" goes after Blyke.

With Cecile's help on the next day, John copied several more abilities while clad in his mask in order to prepare for his battle against the hierarchy.[96] Once he finished copying the necessary abilities, John began to make his move by targeting his roommate, Blyke. At first, Blyke refrained from using his ability, knowing that the masked attacker needed to see an ability in order to copy it, but the attacker had copied a strength-boosting ability beforehand and managed to hold Blyke in an armbar with his superior strength and hand-to-hand combat. Left with no choice, Blyke activated his Energy Beam and broke the attacker's hold before using his ability to unleash a series of attacks. Unfortunately, the attacker managed to avoid everything Blyke had to throw at him and brutally shot the Jack with ten finger-sized Energy Beams. Shortly afterwards, Blyke was mercilessly knocked out by the attacker by a punch to the lower back.[97]

Cecile Next Target

Cecile is next.

John's insistence on masking himself during his attacks began to raise questions from Cecile, but he dismissed her by reminding her of her place. However, when asked about his next course of action, John responded that his next target was Cecile herself and took amusement in Cecile's shocked expression. Despite his joking tone, John told Cecile that he needed to be thorough and Cecile happened to be the next strongest student of the hierarchy.[98]

Joker Dead

At this point, everyone is f**ked

A humiliated, defeated Blyke entered the room after school that day and told John that he was badly beaten by the Joker. John had no words for his roommate and left to meet up with Seraphina for a drink. As the two friends enjoyed their drinks, Seraphina noticed that John had been absent during his free blocks, but John claimed that he had been skipping class as of late and had to spend most of his free blocks working on extra assignments. He then noticed a wound on Seraphina's cheek and admitted that he hated seeing his best friend hurt in any way, all while calling himself weak and worthless for his "inability" to protect her. However, Seraphina assured John that she would keep fighting, just as he did before, and suggested that he train Evie and Roland. John politely turned down the offer and managed to convince Seraphina to train them instead.[99]

In truth, John rejected to train Evie and Roland because it would impede his time as the masked attacker (now known as the Joker to the Wellston student body). On the very next day, the Joker was seen pummeling Cecile with her own Energy Ropes before turning to the Wellston student body and performing the cutthroat gesture in front of everyone. Once he had throughly made his presence known to the student body, the Joker disappeared and changed back into John. He then visited the infimary, "accidentally" walking in on Otis and the injured Cecile and hid himself until Otis left. Once Cecile and John were both alone, she warned the Joker that everyone knew that is next target would be Remi, and surmised that the Queen was planning ways to defeat the Joker. John was not at all afraid and said that he would still "crush her."[100]

Smug John

Remember the cripple, John? This is him now. Feel old yet?

Realizing that his actions led to his current predicament, Arlo decided to take responsibility and apologize to John in hopes to prevent the Joker from harming other innocent students.[101] However, John flat out refused the apology, and despite Arlo's protests, John chose to continue tearing down the hierarchy as the Joker. Though Arlo attempted to retaliate, John knew that the King's reputation would only be further soured if he was seen attacking a "powerless cripple" while the Joker was terrorizing the school. Left with no options, Arlo was forced to wait until his time came to battle the Joker. Later that night, when John entered the dormitories, he noticed his roommate Blyke acting surpised and fearful.[102]

John's apparently paid no mind to Blyke's reaction from the night before as he continued through the day as usual and met up with Seraphina to work out. His lack of concern towards the Joker led Seraphina to ask her friend how he was so calm if the Joker could potentially attack anyone indiscriminately. John simply replied that the Joker was just doing what every other student was doing, climbing the ranks, and even admitted to saying that he was "low-key rooting for the Joker" in hopes to see Arlo defeated. Seraphina admitted that seeing Arlo defeated would be satisfying but worried over the Joker's future battle with Remi. John kept silent about the matter until Seraphina began to continue the workout.[103]

John and Cecile

Isen being next.

Cecile took issue with John's nonchalant attitude towards his future battle against Remi and warned him that the Queen's Lightning ability was nothing to scoff at; however, John continued to act nonchalant and did not feel the least bit threatened by Remi's power. Cecile then asked what John's plan was after defeating Arlo, but John kept that a secret to himself. Just as Cecile starts talking of their shaky alliance, he silences her, sensing that Isen was using his Hunter to eavesdrop on them. Once Cecile had restrained him, Isen attempted to bluff, saying that he chose to eavesdrop on them out of his own volition, but John knew that Isen was lying and, for good measure, beat up Isen. John then told Isen to tell Remi that in two days, he would crush her and threatened the break Isen's legs should he be caught eavesdropping again.[104]


Remi fails to tame John and cooperate with him diplomatically.

In her attempt to talk to John, Remi (along with Blyke and Isen) goes to John's dorm and knocks on his door. However, he enters through the opposite side and demands what she wants.[105] However, John had no interest in talking and forcefully shoved Remi aside. When he went into his room, Blyke stopped him from closing the door, forcing him to talk with Remi. Once inside, Remi tells John that she hopes they can come to a compromise, but John claimed he will not settle for it. Remi then claimed that John's plan was to make people lose faith in high tiers. Her accusation caused John to rant about how high tiers abuse their powers, which only became worse when he realized the Queen was unaware of the violence taking place at Wellston. Remi vows to John that she will fix the school's broken system, only for him to brush her off as being naive. Remi then points out his own hypocrisy by asking why he never did anything about this injustice himself[106] and continues to explain that she can stop the violence, just like her brother Rei did. However, John believed that such a broken system could not be mended by peaceful means and coldly stated that people only accept change when it is beaten into them. He even went as far as to say that Rei was as "useless as every other high-ranker." Unable to negotiate with John, Remi angrily left the room and promised to see him in two days.[107]


They're definitely f**ked

The next day, a worried Seraphina asked whether or not John was the Joker, but he simply denied the claim and told Seraphina to not worry about what Arlo says. He then dismissed the subject in hopes to finish work early.[108]

On the day of his battle against Remi, John met up with Cecile once more to prepare for the battle. Despite Cecile conerns, John remained confident in his victory. He knew Remi could not beat him and deduced that she would go for a much smaller victory by trying to unmask him instead. Rather than copying Cecile's ability, John opted to copy Zeke's Phase Shift instead. At some undetermined point, Cecile called Zeke over to have his ability copied by John.[109]


Isen is f**ked... again

Ready to fight, John appeared before Remi as Joker, scaring off the surrounding students. Remi had expected Joker to start off with Cecile's Energy Ropes, but the Joker managed to catch her off guard with Zeke's Phase Shift, forcing the Queen to use her Lightning much. With both Lightning and Phase Shift in his arsenal, Joker appeared to have the advantage over Remi...[109] until, he realized Remi had backup from Blyke and Isen. Despite being shot numerous times from Blyke's Energy Beam and electrocuted by Remi's lightning, Joker was still not downed; he still had the strength to counterattack once Remi tried to unmask him. Blyke and Isen's intervention angered Joker to the point of breaking his silence, and he quickly took them both out once he copied their abilities. Even after Blyke and Isen were knocked out, Joker continued to mercilessly beat them until Remi called him out on his violent actions. In his fury, John shot unavoidable homing lightning-enhanced energy beams at Remi before he launched himself at her, ready to finish the battle. However, a timely intervention from Arlo's Barrier protected Remi from Joker's blow, and John had one of his arms broken.[110]

Joker vs

Remi is f**ked


Long story short, everyone's f**ked

The very sight of Arlo drives John mad with rage, and despite being down an arm, Joker was still strong to retaliate. As the masked attacker shot Arlo, Remi managed to flank Joker and discovered that he was unable to copy Barrier. With this new advantage, Arlo traps Joker in a Barrier which Remi then electrifies. Even this high-voltage barrage isn't enough to take Joker out of commision, and he powers up another beam to break out of confinement. Arlo and Remi react in time to avoid the beam and change their strategy, with Remi making one last grab for the mask. Joker thwarts the attempt once more, and delivers the coup de grace. Joker prepares to attack the downed Remi even further, but the badly wounded Arlo prevents this by tackling him. But despite Arlo's efforts, Joker easily overpowered the king with a combination of his copied abilites and hand-to-hand combat. With Arlo publically defeated, Joker had effectively dethroned the previous King and would technically be the next King of Wellston. Unbeknownst to him, Seraphina had discovered Joker's true idenity.[111]


  1. Prologue
  2. Chapter 1
  3. Chapter 2
  4. Chapter 3
  5. Chapter 4
  6. Chapter 5
  7. Chapter 6
  8. 8.0 8.1 Chapter 8
  9. Chapter 9
  10. Chapter 10
  11. 11.0 11.1 Chapter 11
  12. Chapter 12
  13. Chapter 13
  14. Chapter 18
  15. Chapter 20
  16. Chapter 21
  17. Chapter 22
  18. Chapter 23
  19. 19.0 19.1 Chapter 24
  20. Chapter 26
  21. 21.0 21.1 Chapter 84
  22. Chapter 28
  23. Chapter 29
  24. Chapter 30
  25. 25.0 25.1 Chapter 31
  26. Chapter 32
  27. Chapter 33
  28. Chapter 34
  29. Chapter 35
  30. Chapter 40
  31. Chapter 41
  32. Chapter 42
  33. Chapter 43
  34. Chapter 44
  35. Chapter 45
  36. Chapter 47
  37. Chapter 52
  38. Chapter 53
  39. Chapter 54
  40. Chapter 55
  41. Chapter 56
  42. Chapter 57
  43. Chapter 58
  44. Chapter 61
  45. Chapter 62
  46. Chapter 63
  47. Chapter 64
  48. Chapter 65
  49. Chapter 66
  50. Chapter 69
  51. Chapter 70
  52. Chapter 71
  53. Chapter 72
  54. Chapter 73
  55. Chapter 74
  56. Chapter 75
  57. Chapter 76
  58. Chapter 77
  59. Chapter 78
  60. Chapter 80
  61. Chapter 82
  62. Chapter 83
  63. Chapter 86
  64. Chapter 87
  65. Chapter 88
  66. Chapter 89
  67. Chapter 92
  68. Chapter 99
  69. Chapter 100
  70. Chapter 101
  71. Chapter 102
  72. 72.0 72.1 Chapter 106
  73. Chapter 107
  74. Chapter 108
  75. Chapter 110
  76. Chapter 111
  77. Chapter 112
  78. Chapter 113
  79. Chapter 114
  80. Chapter 119
  81. Chapter 120
  82. Chapter 121
  83. Chapter 123
  84. Chapter 124
  85. Chapter 125
  86. Chapter 126
  87. Chapter 128
  88. Chapter 129
  89. Chapter 130
  90. Chapter 131
  91. Chapter 132
  92. 92.0 92.1 Chapter 133
  93. Chapter 134
  94. Chapter 135
  95. Chapter 136
  96. Chapter 137
  97. Chapter 138
  98. Chapter 140
  99. Chapter 141
  100. Chapter 143
  101. Chapter 144
  102. Chapter 145
  103. Chapter 147
  104. Chapter 148
  105. Chapter 149
  106. Chapter 150
  107. Chapter 151
  108. Chapter 152
  109. 109.0 109.1 Chapter 153
  110. Chapter 154
  111. Chapter 155